Natural Facial Mask from Home


One can also make a facial mask using bananas, rolled oats, honey and milk. They should mix these ingredients together for about ten minutes before applying on the face. They should massage the mixture onto the face and allow it to sit for about five minutes before rinsing off with warm water. They will definitely notice the difference as their skin will be smoother and more radiant.


Individuals who would like to make a home-made facial or scrub can use oatmeal and yogurt. Oatmeal is known for its smoothening as well as exfoliating properties. It is also great for sensitive skin that is easily irritated. The individual simply has to create a mixture of these two ingredients and gently apply it on their face. They should then rinse off with warm water and dry their face with a towel.


Mashed grapes and almond flour can work great as a facial mask. Aloe vera gel on the other hand can be used to thicken and strengthen one's hair. The individual simply has to massage the gel into their scalp and leave it for fifteen minutes before rinsing off.


Most of these ingredients can be mixed in extra quantities in order to make a scrub or cleanser for the whole body. Vanilla extracts can be added into the scrub formula for individuals who would like to smell great after the beauty treatment.


Men or women with swollen eyelids can try cutting potatoes or cucumbers into circles and placing them on their eyes for about ten minutes in the morning and the evening. Both potatoes and cucumbers have a cooling effect that will help to reduce the swelling.


Individuals who have chapped hands during the cold winter months and who cannot afford to buy expensive moisturizer can wash their hands with oatmeal. The oatmeal will help to soften the skin on their hands.


Lemon juice is a great nail cleanser, whitener and hardener. It can also help to remove dried cuticles. An individual can soak their nails in lemon juice for a few minutes. They can then rinse off their hands and apply moisturizer for a great effect.

Homemade beauty products are cheap and very easy to make. This is because most of the ingredients can be found in the kitchen cabinets or refrigerator. Furthermore, they are preferred because the individual does not have to worry about allergic reactions due to chemicals. This is because they are always aware of all the ingredients that were used to make the products.

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